Ethics, Privacy and Compliance

At Goodtech, we perform to the highest ethical standards in our line of business. This is set out in our code of conduct, in line with the Gender Equality and Discrimination Act's purpose of promoting equality, which ensures equal opportunities and rights, preventing discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, national origin, descent, language, religion and belief.

The group has zero tolerance for corruption, including extortion and bribery, and works actively to ensure that this does not occur. The group's code of conduct describes integrity, reputation and possible conflicts of interest, including the relationship between employees, customers and suppliers.

Goodtech's code of conduct applies to all employees and everyone who acts on behalf of Goodtech. By extension, we make the same demands to our subcontractors. To clarify what Goodtech expects from our partners and suppliers, separate guidelines for ethical trade have been prepared that cover basic requirements for human rights, employee rights and the environment.

The group has established notification routines and encourages that it is actively applied in the event of suspected breaches of legislation and industry standards, as well as breaches of guidelines both in Goodtech and with our customers, partners or suppliers. Notification can be made anonymously via a notification portal, also directly to the Board.

Read more about privacy here

Norwegian Transparency Act

According to the Norwegian Transparency Act (Åpenhetsloven) §5, Goodtech has a duty to publish an account of the due diligence assessments pursuant to §4. This report must contain information on how Goodtech works with due diligence assessments, identified risks, how we react to deviations and where improvements are needed.