Vesterålen Marine Olje (VMO)

Vesterålen Marine:
Vesterålen Marine Oil and Vesterålen Marine Proteins specialize in processing residual marine raw material from the white fish industries into marine oil and marine proteins for both national and international markets. The companies are located at Myre in Vesterålen. Vesterålen Marine Oil focuses on processing residual raw materials into high-quality marine oil. The company's sustainable and energy-efficient production process ensures the extraction of pure value from the raw materials. The factory in Myre is in fact the largest cod liver oil factory in the world!
Goodtech's Contribution:
Goodtech provided a fully LTline automated factory, featuring state-of-the-art operator HMI (Human Machine Interface), for Vesterålen Marine Oil and Vesterålen Marine Proteins. The factory is designed to meet regulatory and HSE (Health, Safety, and Environment) requirements.

Factory Specifications:
The automated factory processes 2 tons of incoming raw material per hour. Physically, this requires:
- More than 3 km stainless steel piping network
- 500 valves
- 350 instruments
- 50 pumps
- 21 vessels